Electric Steam Boiler Manufacturers in India

An electric steam boiler is a type of boiler where the steam is generated using electricity, rather than through the combustion of a fuel source. Such boilers are used to generate steam for process purposes in many locations, for example laundries, food processing factories and hospitals.

Although they are more expensive to run than gas-fired or oil-fired boilers they are popular because of their simplicity and ease of use. Because of the large currents required, they are normally run from a three-phase electricity supply. They convert electrical energy into thermal energy with almost 100% efficiency but the overall thermal efficiency is variable, depending on the efficiency with which the electricity is generated.


  • Hotels
  • Hospitals
  • Resorts
  • Swimming pools
  • Dairies
  • Laundries
  • various other process industries

Advantages Of Electric Steam Boiler

  • Fully automatic unit.
  • Trouble free operation.
  • No separate boiler house or Boiler chimney required.
  • Environmentally friendly and pollution free at the point of use.
  • No fuel Storage requirement.
  • No special fire or health and safety precautions.
  • Instantaneous steam & hot water generation relative to gas and oil fired boilers.
  • Almost 100% Thermal efficiency.
  • The minimum site works and ease of installation

We at Thermokrupp successfully manufactured electric steam boiler & industrial boiler or electrode type boiler for our valuable clients to various process industry.

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